Thursday, December 26, 2019
Accredited Bachelor Degree Business Online Acquire Skills Necessary for Success as an Entrepreneur 2019
Successful entrepreneurs build lucrative companies, such as Google and Ebay, and boast empires long after retirement from the daily grind. However, success is rarely easy to achieve in todays competitive world of business. Entrepreneurs looking to improve their chances at success are currently acquiring business know-how through the accredited bachelor degree business online program . An Accredited Bachelor Degree Business Online Program Provides Knowledge and Skills for Entrepreneurial Success Every entrepreneur is responsible for the business functioning of his or her own organization, especially during the start-up phase. The accredited bachelor degree business online program teaches a variety of business skills that have been deemed necessary for success, including: Written and oral communication skills through bachelor of science in business (BSB) courses Realistic goal setting through BSB classes. Leadership skills from experienced BSB professors Finance knowledge from knowledgeable BSB professionals Human resources information through BSB lessons. Sales and marketing skills from BSB industry experts .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125:active, .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ufd3409b3894c2f396e2779ea506c6125:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Find Education and Teaching Degree ProgramsTraits of Successful Entrepreneurs can be Developed through the Accredited Bachelor Degree Business Online Program Heaps of information have been written on the subject of the traits and practices of successful entrepreneurs. Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New World in Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, offers the following global traits as essential for personal development in entrepreneurs: Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates must create products and services with the end user in mind. Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates should design a story to differentiate their product. Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates must possess the ability to see the big picture of the business. Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates must develop empathy in order to be effective salespeople. Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates will find success through offering a playful, creative work environment. Accredited bachelor degree business online graduates must provide meaningful work in order to retain talented empl oyees. .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9:active, .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uc077714c30631fffa7e8e2ee6820c1a9:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Nevada Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus Based Education in Nevada, the Silver StateBecoming a talented entrepreneur comes with no black and white instruction manual. However, earning an accredited bachelor degree business online diploma is now helping to set many graduates on the path to entrepreneurial success. Related ArticlesBSB 5 Ways to Earn a Bachelor of Science in Business in as Little as 12 MonthsBusiness Management Degree Top Degrees for Professionals Who Want to Start Their Own BusinessesBachelor Business Management Degree Use a Degree from Kaplan University to Boost a Small Business Start-UpBachelor Business Degree in Management of Information Systems Enter an IT Career in the Business EnvironmentWhy Startups Should Seek Help From The Small Business AdministrationSmall Business Accounting Software from Microsoft
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Legacy Of John F. Kennedy - 1480 Words
Republicans absolutely loved Nixon for his tough stance on communism and his position as vice president had given him prominence and experience where communism was concerned.. Democrats, meanwhile, nominated the relatively unknown John F. Kennedy, a young but accomplished senator from Massachusetts who had served with distinction in World War II and had won a Pulitzer Prize for his 1956 book Profiles in Courage .At only forty-three years old, Kennedy exuded a youthful confidence that contrasted sharply with Nixon’s serious demeanorâ€â€a contrast that was plainly evident in the first-ever live televised presidential debates in 1960. Tens of millions of Americans tuned in to watch the two candidates discuss the issues. Although radio listeners†¦show more content†¦Americans to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. His enthusiasm spread across the country. Kennedy’s first foreign policy crisis surfaced just months after he took office, when Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev threatened to sign a treaty with East Germany that would cut off the city of Berlin from the United States and Western Europe. Although the Soviet Union never signed any such treaty, it did construct a massive wall of concrete and barbed wire around West Berlin in 1961 to prevent East Germans from escaping to freedom in the Western-controlled part of the city. Over the years, guard towers were installed, and the â€Å"no-man’s-land†between the inner and outer walls was mined and booby-trapped, making it incredibly difficult for East Germans to escape to West Berlin without being killed or captured. Kennedy, hoping never to have to decide between nuclear war and political embarrassment again, devised a new strategy of â€Å"flexible response†to deal with the USSR. Crafted with the aid of foreign policy veteran Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara, the flexible response doctrine was meant to allow the president to combat Soviet advances around the world through a variety of means. In other words, Kennedy could send money or troops to fight Communist insurgents, authorize the CIA to topple an unfriendly government, or, as a last resort, use nuclear weapons. Hoping to topple Cuba’s Communist-leaning leader, Fidel Castro, Kennedy authorized the
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Analisis of Obamas victory speech free essay sample
Obamas Victory Speech Obamas Victory Speech has impressed the whole world. Obama have used a lot of techniques which make people in the USA believe in him and make them feel united. In this essay of Obamas victory speech, I will explain some of the techniques Obama uses and for what purpose. Besides that I will comment on important and meaningful quotes. Obamas Victory Speech is separated in a lot of small sections. After flnlshlng one secuon of his speech, he makes a long dramatic pause. That makes the speech very intimate. These dramatic pauses are used by almost any good peaker. Obamas manner of speaking Is very natural, he tells about experiences he have had, he shows a lot of gratitude, he speak with humility of a high degree and shows a very high amount of empathy for his people. An example of Obamas great humility is when Obama kind of praise Mitt Romney. We will write a custom essay sample on Analisis of Obamas victory speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We may have battled fiercely, but its only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about Its future. I think it is very humble of Obama to show such recognition for Mitt Romney. He also applies that he looks forward to work together with Mitt Romney, so by that tatement Obama want everybody to have a positive point of view at Mitt Romney. So he actually does Romney a favor. Obama made a great Job winning the skeptics over. And that provides plenty of fodder for the cynics who tell us that polltlcs Is nothing more than a contest of egos or the domain of special interests It is very important for Obama to show that this Isnt about him Just wanting to win. Obama really wants to make a difference. He point out that the people under his lead, really fight hard to make sure Obamas political ideas is going to be reality. Youll hear the etermination in the voice of a young field organizer whos working his way through college and wants to make sure every child has that same opportunity So by that quote the skeptics is going to have hard time arguing that Obama and other politicians are just some egomaniacs. Obama is not just claiming what he want to do, he have already taken action. The audience can almost feel the changes of a greater country within the speech. Obama also shows his great love for his one and only wife Michelle. Let me say this publicly: Michelle, I have never loved you more. I have ever been prouder to watch the rest of America fall in love with you, too, as our nations first lady. He doesnt make this romantic declaration Just to show he Isnt afraid of showing Michelle how much he love her in front of the whole world, but he also shows that he appreciate the hard work she have put into the campaign. and also to show that everybody should recognize her as an important fgure for America. The first lady In the USA has a great responsibility, for being a kind of role model. The first lady is often volunteering in support for poor areas for example. So by those words Obama really wants everybody In America to love her. But that doesnt mean your work is done In this quote Obama really make it personal for his listeners, by telling the audience that it is also your Job to make the USA a greater country. The frequent use of different pronouns Is one of the most conspicuous techniques Obama uses in his victory speech. Obama wants to draw you in to his speech. So he does not use the word I nearly as much as ne use mfou/youre/your and W Our Even though Obama mostly uses miou/youre/your and We/Us/Our he still nvolves himself in the speech, but he does it in a slightly more humble manner than just bragging about himself. That is a great way of making Obamas audience know that its not only about him but its mostly about you. In that way Obama makes the audience listen and care for what Obama is saying, and it also makes it more personal between Obama and the single listener, plus he doesnt separate the people who voted for himself with the people who voted for Mitt Romney.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Little Red Mountain Biker Essays - Adventure Travel, Mountain Biking
Little Red Mountain Biker Little Red Mountain Biker and the Big, Fat Motorist One day Little Red Mountain Biker was out on a little fitness ride to her grandmother's house in the country, about 20 miles away. When she was nearly there, when she found herself being harassed by an overweight wolf in a sports car. Recognizing the danger of being hit by his car or being attacked in the lonely woods, she suggested to him on one of his passes that he meet her at Grandma's house, the last house on the road at the edge of the mountain, where no one is home. That gave Red a little bit of peace, but when she got to Grandma's, the wolf was the only one there and was evidently waiting for her inside, either in the living room or possibly even in the bedroom. Rather than go inside, Red shouted, I'm going for a short ride into the woods, do you want to come? You can use Grandpa's mountain bike. We'll have the woods to ourselves. Well, the wolf was not delighted with the opportunity to ride a bike; however, being in the woods alone with Red greatly appealed to him, so he followed. A short distance into the woods, Red chose the trail that plunged off of the mountain. On the 1,000 foot descent, he was not able to quite catch her because of difficulty in controlling the bike. His bulk did give him some advantage, and he got very close to her at the bottom where he was sure she would stop to rest. However, Red had different plans, and immediately began the return climb on another trail. The wolf realized that it was now or never and used his downhill speed to nearly catch her. As he was huffing and puffing and straining and gasping, she turned and looked at him. She said, Oh my, what big bloodshot eyes you got! All the better to see you with, he managed to wheeze out. She continued, And what big red ears you got! All the better to hear you with, he gasped. And what a big, fat belly you got! All the better to, to ... His mind was fogging up; he was seeing spots in front of his eyes. Just then, Red said, Well, good-bye, I've got to hurry back to town; I don't want to be late to teach my Taekwondo class. Then she put the pedal to the metal and rapidly accelerated up the steep hill. Hours later and long after dark, the wolf reached Grandma's house again, badly dehydrated. There he discovered that Grandpa was the county sheriff and that Grandma was a women's rights activist. They had a lot to say to him before they let him leave in his car. But the wolf was no danger anymore; he had completely lost his taste for Red. He preferred the small, weak, and helpless type; Red was small, but she certainly was not weak or helpless. Poetry
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Police Brutality Essay Essay Essay Example
Police Brutality Essay Essay Essay Example Police Brutality Essay Essay Essay Police Brutality Essay Essay Essay Introduction: Surveies has shown that constabulary are more likely to mistreat inkinesss instead than Whites and this is caused by racial profiling. But through the history of constabulary ferociousness. constabulary ferociousness was foremost used after a constabulary officer was described crushing a civilian in 1633. Police ferociousness is the maltreatment of force and it is normally through physical. But there are other ways to mistreat which are verbally and sometimes psychologically and this is done by a federal or province governments which are the constabulary officers. The history of constabulary ferociousness has been a rhythm and the phrases are really force. corruptness and better on what is incorrect. These has been a rhythm for many old ages through constabulary ferociousness. Police ferociousness exists in many states and non merely in the US. African American are ever targeted as â€Å"bad†people and this besides proves that there are inequality within the black community a nd the universe. There are besides certain misconducted signifiers of ferociousness but some of these are truly common in our society which are racial profiling. corruptness. false apprehension and infixing fright into civilians. There are many other instances that were really targeted chiefly on inkinesss and this causes unjust justness. Police’s docket is to fundamentally contend and protect civilians every bit good as being the peace keepers and neer being the 1 that harm any civilians without proper blessing or warrant to an apprehension or to an even greater extend which is physically. verbally or psychologically harming the opposed civilian on the error he/she has done. Polices are the 1s that set an image towards the society so that people can really follow them and believe they are making the right thing. nevertheless it is a truly distressing affair cognizing that constabulary does racial profiling particularly compared to Whites and inkinesss. And hence. this research paper is about constabulary will most probably be more important to inkinesss compare to Whites and this is known as racial profiling. Police ferociousness and racism in the United states Police ferociousness and racism has played a large function in degrading the safeness of US every bit good as degrading the repute of the governments through these jobs. there are significantly immense sum of statistics studies on constabularies ferociousness. Even though these instances are brought up to tribunal. out of 5986 studies merely 33 % went through strong belief and 64 % received prison sentences. American constabulary officers have used deadly arms to kill more than terrorist did since the Vietnam War. And at least one time a twelvemonth. there is ever a individual beaten by a Police Officer. And this is ever shown as abusive of authorization. Although perpetrating a offense is illegal. constabularies have no rights to mistreat their rights through physical or verbal actions. Although physical maltreatment brings physical hurting and such but verbal maltreatment has really proved that it would be more harmful to that victim. As in one of the instances. a police officer re ally insulted the victim till the victim killed himself out of choler. Wordss can really intend a batch towards a human being and constabularies officers think that they won’t be charged with any discourtesy through dissing verbally alternatively of physical maltreatment can really do job towards these constabulary officers. Harmonizing to a research. every twelvemonth about 261 constabularies officers are involved with constabularies ferociousness and merely approximately 27 per centum of these victims are involved in jurisprudence suits. In many instances. bulk of these victims are really African Americans that were abused by the jurisprudence that are supposed to protect them. And the research besides shows that there is a consequence of 382 deceases out of 5986 studies. Other than the statistics. there is besides a few groups of people which are aged. drug nuts. female and weak people. Police would take advantage of this to brutalise them while infixing fright in them through endangering for an illustration. constabulary officers might endanger them about their household members and if they were to describe anything the constabulary officer would collar or handle their household members the same manner they were being treated and this would decidedly infix fright into the victims. That is why some instances were reported as bogus issues because victims themselves do non desire to acknowledge the truth being worried of being physically or verbally abused once more. Overall. if a constabulary officer was found mistreating a victim. their rights as a constabulary would likely be revoked and merely prison sentence up to 14 months averagely and this is unjust to all the other offense wrongdoers every bit good as the victims because 14 months is a truly short clip which these victims might be abused one time once more when these constabulary officers are discharged from their responsibility and/or the prison. Racial profiling in the US among police officers There are a batch of known instances of constabulary ferociousness particularly on inkinesss on racial profiling. But harmonizing to an article in 2012. a black individual is killed by a security officer every 28 hours. As it was besides stated in this article. that African-Americans are about 13. 1 % of the state population but it has about covered 40 % of the prison’s population. Besides. inkinesss sometimes do sell drugs and is the same as white but they have a higher per centum of acquiring arrested for drugs than Whites and this is racial profiling. Black wrongdoers besides decidedly receive a longer sentence comparison to white wrongdoers. Other than that. most of the inkinesss killed were unarmed. which harmonizing to the study. 44 % of inkinesss was killed even though there was no mark of arm. 27 % deceases are claimed that the suspect had a gun but there was no prove to this. 2 % had little arms such as knifes. large scissors and cutters or any other similar arms. and merely approximately 20 % had guns or deathly arms. Most officers that killed inkinesss claim that they were afraid and they were seeking to protect themselves so they have been force to open fire. These constabulary officers open fire if they feel like they are being threaten. for an illustration. the fishy running off from the bulls. driving towards to bulls or acquiring something from their waist. Police officers do non reason if the suspect does hold a arm or non and yet merely utilize lifelessly force to work out the issue. In one of the known instances of an African American acquiring shot by a police officer. the fishy name is Oscar Grant 22 twelvemonth old. and was shot by Johannes Mehserle a constabulary officer. The constabulary officer claimed that Grant had a gun even though Grant was subdued by other officers which is non justified because Oscar Grant was already being subdued by other officers and yet Johannes Mehserle still fired his arm at Oscar Grant. A few other illustrations of African American being assaulted without justified grounds are Rodney King. Sean Bell. and many other more. Rodney King was drunk on that dark on March 2. 1991. He was rushing on the expressway and that was when the constabulary officers attempted to draw him over. but Rodney King resisted. Once they manage to acquire Rodney King out of the vehicle. a group of officers tried to repress Rodney King and used taser every bit good. Rodney King was kicked at the caput and besides was beaten with truncheons. But lucky plenty. King’s injuries wasn’t truly serious but it left him with a twosome of contusions and besides a facial fractured bone. Sean Bell was killed by a constabulary undercover squad which fired 50 times at the auto Bell and his friends were siting in. it happened outside a strip nine because he was holding his bachelor’s party on that dark. A police officer really overheard that the friend speaking about acquiring his gun. so in order to forestall the shot from go oning. the constabulary officers opened fired at the auto. And that was when Sean Bell passed off instantly on the scene. The investigators were non charged guilty of manslaughter on that dark. And these are some of the instances African American’s are really confronting and this is why US should implement a heavier regulation on racial profiling. Actions of constabulary ferociousness on selected victims through racial profiling The actions that were used on inkinesss were more important comparison to Whites such as verbal persuasion. unarmed physical force. force utilizing non-lethal arms. force utilizing impact arms and lifelessly force. There was a instance which verbal persuasion really lead the victim to perpetrating suicide out of choler that has stated and it was cause by a constabulary. these African Americans were frequently called monikers like â€Å"nigger†. â€Å"negro†and many other monikers. This can do an impact on how they feel. it will neer be shown through physical but ever inside them. That is why verbal persuasion is truly negative towards a victim. Unarmed physical force can do external harm but really. besides internal because you would experience the depression on African American are seen as a minority and they know that their race will be discriminated against. As seen in some instances. African American was treated more crucially than Whites. in one of the instance. the black refused to travel into the officer’s lunchroom and the following thing he knows is his caput nailing through a home base glass window. If it was a white. it is truly obvious that the constabulary would let him to remain outside the lunchroom and delay for other processs. Non-lethal arms that were used on inkinesss are more important. inkinesss were Taser multiple times which causes a great hurting to them and in one of the instances late. the victim was Taser to decease. Force utilizing impact arms has besides been an issue towards African American. in Walmart US. an African American went to pick up a BB rifle and he was merely beckoning the gun about. after that the constabulary came and inquire him to demilitarize the gun as non cognizing that was merely a BB rifle. Regardless. the dissension from the constabulary. the constabulary shouldn’t have fired a fatal shooting on the victim and why is the victim shooting keeping a BB gun in a BB gun shop. Decision In decision. the research has shown that constabulary are more likely to be important towards inkinesss instead than Whites and this is caused by racial profiling. As from the research above. we can reason that constabulary has been important towards African American. But we should besides better the systems that US is utilizing which is really people’s head set. A simple thing can go a great job. particularly in racism constabulary should non be bias about a offense which is done by a certain race but seting all the races together as one. Police’s occupation description is to contend justness and convey peace to civils and non being the one interrupting the jurisprudence. It will neer be a good image towards civils. Solutions can be implemented through federal governments. by guaranting that maltreatments such as anguish. inordinate sum of force will non go on and these officers that had broken the jurisprudence should be accounted for and be brought to justness. Like some of the instances. the jury would state that the constabulary is at his/her rights and merely hold a prison sentence up to 14 months mean. This encourages constabularies to non be afraid because it would merely be a short clip for sentence and be make bolding to make what is right. This would besides act upon the new constabulary campaigners that assailing would non acquire them into a truly large job. The federal governments should besides implement solutions such as entering the actions a constabulary officer used through a camera or being supervised by the squad leader. Street cameras are truly of import for this affair which they can ever mention back to the scene and watch how the victim was treated by constabulary officers and this would decidedly do US a better topographic point alternatively of know aparting the minorities which is the African American but these solution applies to all the races but specifically for African American in order for them to be able to populate every bit like all the other races without any misjudgment or favoritism through racial profiling. Mentions 99 Percentage Of Police Brutality Complaints Go Uninvestigated In Central NewJersey: Report. 2014. 99 Percentage Of Police Brutality Complaints Go Uninvestigated In Central New Jersey: Report. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. huffingtonpost. com/2014/01/07/police-brutality-new-jersey-report_n_4555166. hypertext markup language. [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . 4 Unarmed Black Men Have Been Killed By Police in the Last Month | Mother Jones. 2014. 4 Unarmed Black Men Have Been Killed By Police in the Last Month | Mother Jones. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. motherjones. com/politics/2014/08/3-unarmed-black-african-american-men-killed-police. [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . How Often are Unarmed Black Men Shot Down By Police? . 2014. How Often are Unarmed Black Men Shot Down By Police? . [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailykos. com/story/2014/08/24/1324132/-How-Often-are-Unarmed-Black-Men-Shot-Down-By-Police # . [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . Ferguson constabularies committed human rights misdemeanors during Michael Brown protests | Daily Mail Online. 2014. Ferguson police committed human rights misdemeanors during Michael Brown protests | Daily Mail Online. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2806085/Ferguson-police-committed-human-rights-violations-Michael-Brown-protests-Amnesty-International-claims. hypertext markup language. [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . Police ferociousness | Law Teacher. 2014. Police ferociousness | Law Teacher. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. lawteacher. net/criminology/essays/police-brutality. php. [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . The Color of Justice – Constitutional Rights Foundation. 2014. The Color of Justice – Constitutional Rights Foundation. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. crf-usa. org/brown-v-board-50th-anniversary/the-color-of-justice. hypertext markup language. [ Accessed 26 October 2014 ] . Presentation to Hearing on Police Brutality A ; Misconduct – Richie Perez.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Find Seasonal Jobs That Pay Well (No Elf Costume Required)
How to Find Seasonal Jobs That Pay Well (No Elf Costume Required) This year major retail companies will be looking to fill nearly 80,000 temporary holiday positions. And other holiday-related businesses will also be hiring employees to get them through the next few (busiest) months. This year’s holiday gig market looks to be one of the highest in the last five years. Here are some tips on snagging a temporary gig to help pay for holiday presents!Look Beyond RetailThere’s much more to the holiday gig market than just low-paying sales gigs in retail outlets. Any company that needs extra help will be eager for contract employees and any workers with flexible scheduling that don’t need to be on salary. The more flexible you can be with your working hours, the better your chances at getting hired.Pay special attention to areas you might not expect to find jobs in, such as social media, marketing, recruiting, decorating, production design, photography, and customer service.Search SmartWhen applying, start with companies you know youà ¢â‚¬â„¢d like to work for, then branch out to search for openings with keywords like â€Å"holiday,†â€Å"temp,†or â€Å"seasonal.†Don’t Skimp on your Application PackageMake sure to treat each application as you would for a normal full-time, permanent position. That means a complete application, cover letter, references, etc. And if you get an interview, dress professionally. You never know who you’ll meet in the course of your holiday employment who could help you in your career moves in the new year.Start Looking NOWThe holiday hiring rush begins in October (though it’s never too late to start looking around!) and peaks in November. Jobs will typically run through January, even a bit later. And there’s always a chance that seasonal job will turn into something full time, if you are able to distinguish yourself on the job.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Current Events in Public Health LeadershipLeadership Perspective Assignment
Current Events in Public Health LeadershipLeadership Perspective - Assignment Example Sebelius acknowledged that the eight-week period of the health care insurance marketplace roll-out was the lowest point in her work as secretary of Health and Human Services. This is not surprising because the failure has severe political impact on both the Obama administration and the policy itself. Such failure already eclipsed the positive outcomes of the policy, which already enrolled up to 7.1 million Americans (NBC 2013). More importantly, however, it reflected the brand of Sebelius leadership particularly in managing a complex project that could indicate an inadequacy to take the lead in the area of public health. The insurance marketplace roll out required health care enrolment online. A website,, was created in order to serve as the primary destination for Americans to buy insurance. Upon its launch, however, it encountered severe connectivity issues, server downtimes and serious inability on the part of users to use the website productively, frustrating many Americans in the process. One could say that Sebelius is not the developer of the website and did not create its code. However, the event demonstrated how she was able to handle one of the most critical programs not just of the health department but also of the incumbent administration. The outcome reflected her performance as a leader of health department. Her leadership style appears to be largely political in nature and this is not surprising because she was a political appointee and was the Kansas governor previously. This goes against the necessity to appoint leaders of public health that have the capacity to understand and, therefore, deal with the complexities and scale of problems and issues in public health. Koh and Jacobson (2009) stressed that public health problems entail special challenges that require long-term solutions and the cooperation of numerous stakeholders (p. 199). Sebelius failed in this respect.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
O'Donnell & Tuomey's Belfast Architecture Dissertation
O'Donnell & Tuomey's Belfast Architecture - Dissertation Example Table of Contents Acknowledgements†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..2 Introduction...............................................................................................................3 Context†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Lyric Theatre. A mass of Light and modernism †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......................................8 Influences and Philosophy of O’Donnell and Tuomey. †¦................................16 Aims, goals and ideals of O’Donnell & Tuomey.................................................19 Conclusion.................................................................................................................24 References.............. ....................................................................................................26 Introduction Dublin based architects Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey , who have been practicing together since 1991, have a thoughtful outlook and attitude of how they ply their craft, that can be summarized as – continuity and renewal, which will be the subject of this paper. This dissertation as a critical analysis of the Lyric Theatre will examine O'Donnell + Tuomey's architectural journey. I will re-trace their influences, attitudes and examine values and ideals as apparent in their 2007 Lyric Theatre in Belfast. O’Donnell + Tuomey appreciate tradition, and that traditions ought to be brought into the 21st Century and translated in order to retain meaning in the present day. This is how they approach and interpret each design brief. The inspiration of Aldo Rossi to Irish architects, who acknowledged that â€Å"in Venice, where although one may be interested in w hether a building is by Palladio or Longhena, it is first and always the stones of Venice,†1 is also an inspiration to O'Donnell + Tuomey. They, too, believe that the materials of the land are the materials that should be used in their buildings, which is why, for instance, their Lyric Theatre, which is the subject of this dissertation, uses the bricks which are commonly found in buildings throughout Dublin. On returning from five years in London in 1982 – where Sheila O’Donnell completed a masters degree at The Royal College of Art, and both she and John Tuomey worked with James Stirling – Sheila O’Donnell and John Tuomey returned â€Å"in search of a subject,†married, bought a house and thought about how they might go â€Å"in search of the soul of Irish architecture†. Their role as studio teachers at UCD has involved not only educating a generation of Irish architects that are now gaining international recognition (Tom De Paor bein g the most prominent); they could also be said to have saved Irish architectural culture from the cults of technology and critical theory that afflict British architectural education. O’Donnell and Tuomey architects (O’D+T) can reasonably be considered to have cared for the soul of Irish architecture over the past few decades.2 It is impossible to think about the past two decades of Irish architecture without considering O’Donnell + Tuomey. Indeed without their involvement with Group ’91, alongside Grafton architects, Paul Keogh and others, there would be no Temple Bar or Lyric Theatre, and, he suggests, no internationally recognisable image of modern Ireland for young
Sunday, November 17, 2019
George Orwell 1984 Essay Example for Free
George Orwell 1984 Essay In this essay I intend to investigate experiences and historical events in Orwell’s lifetime. These events may have significantly influenced Orwell’s style, structure and theme, contributing to the political and artistic nature of his novel. I also intend to compare the contradictory interpretations of Orwell’s ‘message’. Did he intend 1984 as a warning, a prediction, or a historical novel? Despite its critics 1984 has made a significant impression on the modern world. Its infiltration into reality television may not be a tribute Orwell would have appreciated but many of his terms and phrases have been used to highlight threats to social and personal freedom. I will use this as a basis to ascertain whether there are other aspects of Orwell’s novel that have become reality in the modern world. 1984 by George Orwell was written in1947/48. This era has been referred to as ‘The age of anxiety, the age of the lost generation’. (www. historyguide. org/europe/lecture10) It was a nightmare world where individuality was lost. The totalitarian states of the time, exercised complete control over the lives of their human subjects. The Great War (World War One) facilitated totalitarian regimes, simply because war has only one objective: victory. â€Å"Individuality is sacrificed for collectivism and freedom is restricted as governments reject liberal values†. (www. historyguide. org/europe/lecture10) This mood of anxiety and conformity, is clearly illustrated in 1984; this is portrayed in the early pages of the novel and is maintained throughout. Orwell cleverly uses his descriptive talent, to set the scene for his reader. At the very beginning of his novel ‘the vile wind, the swirl of gritty dust’ (Page 4) projects a negative image of life in 1984. The maintenance of these visual images is preserved and comparisons, between post-war Britain and 1984, are recognisable. Examples of these are the shortages, rationing and the bombsites of the 1940’s. Orwell successfully engages the readers’ senses to conjure up images within the mind of the reader. ‘The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats’. (Page 4) I found phrases like this one actually made me feel the squalor and deprivation he was describing. The use of visual cues is also a theme, which starts on the first page of Orwell’s novel. He continually presents images that could be describing London during the 1940’s, but are in fact describing life in 1984. ‘A coloured poster too large for indoor display has been tacked to the wall ’(Page 4) Orwell has managed to reaffirm the squalid surroundings by the use of the word ‘tacked’ before he has even described the poster. ‘It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five with heavy black moustache and ruggedly hand-some features’. Many have suggested that Orwell based his character â€Å"Big Brother†the leader of the party on Stalin and Hitler because they all shared similar physical characteristics and had the ability to â€Å"manipulate the minds of the masses†. (The Worlds Most Evil Men). However, Churchill was also â€Å"recognised for his skill in altering peoples minds†(The History Of World War II) which could be interpreted that, the people of the 1940’s were being manipulated, regardless of their countries political status. His creative talent excelled itself with the name of his totalitarian leader. Big Brother conveys an image of trust and loyalty with the idea that he is a member of your family who is a figure affording protection and security. This is a complete contradiction to the lives of the Russian citizens under Stalin or the German people during Hitler’s rein and indeed the population of nineteen eighty four had little opportunity to feel safe. The naming of other characters within his novel, I suspect, had a deeper meaning. For example Emmanuel Goldstein’s face was described as It resembled the face of a sheep and the voice, too, had a sheep like quality. The significance of this description becomes more meaningful if you look at a poster (see appendix 1) used during World War II. Henri Guigon represented Churchill as a British bulldog in an American poster. To the whole world Britain’s new prime minister epitomised the stubborn and proud nature of the British. Orwell uses animals for descriptive comparison frequently in his writing but the use of a sheep, in this instance, is a curious choice. The character Goldstein is the leader of the opposition and sheep like qualities conjure up images of low intelligence and all following the crowd. This is a form of sarcasm that implies ridicule, disapproval, or contempt Sarcasm often includes an element of irony. Winston’s description of the opposition is not dissimilar to party members. Orwell could have been expressing his concerns with how Churchill’s War Cabinet, had on occasions, behaved no differently from the fascist regimes of the era. News was censored, wages controlled and travel restricted under the guise of wartime necessity. (Guardian 2002). However Goldstein is a Jewish name and World War II had just ended when this book was being written. Goldstein is used as a scapegoat in 1984, which has, parallels with the Nazis attempt to blame their problems on the Jews. In my opinion the name of Orwell’s main character Winston Smith also had a deeper, if somewhat personal meaning. Orwell was a dying man, when he wrote this novel, and he was probably aware it would be his final legacy to the world. He had a reluctant admiration for Churchill. Although he did not always agree with his policies he admired him not only for his courage but also a certain â€Å"largeness and geniality†. The History Of World War II) This admiration was expressed in the form of poetry that he rarely wrote. (See appendix 2). It is a fitting acknowledgement of this respect, that Winston became the name of his primary character. Smith is simply a very common English name, which gives the impression that Winston Smith is a very ordinary citizen not dissimilar to oneself. The caption under the Big Brother posters read â€Å" Big Brother is watching you†(Page 4) Orwell’s use of capital letters for this caption, and indeed others later in the book, gives increased impact to the reader of the significance of these words. It gives a sense of the controlling nature of the society in which the citizens of 1984 lived; constantly being watched by the eyes of Big Brother. It was similar to the blackouts enforced during World War II where wardens’ patrolled neighbourhood, and failure to conform, resulted in humiliating offenders in front of their neighbours. (The History Of World War II) The use of posters and slogans in Orwell’s novel may well have been inspired by the vast array of similar images used during World War II. England and Germany, among others, used large images, in a poster format, to send messages to their people. These were used to encourage conformity, solidarity and patriotism within each nation. At times they were also used to inflate morale at home and abroad, while at the same time humiliating and ridiculing their opponents. (See appendix 3) A good example of this, used in World War II, is the appearance of ‘V’ on walls in German- occupied Belgium. The Flemish speaking Belgians would interpret this as ‘vrijheid’, which means freedom, and the French speaking Belgians would understand this to mean ‘victoire’ (victory). This is a cruel psychological attack on an already defeated nation. Winston describes party slogans, in 1984, on the walls of buildings, which also have contradictory meanings. â€Å"War is peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength†(Page 6) Orwell uses this type of psychological approach in different ways throughout his novel. Orwell’s wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy (1905-1945) had a degree in psychology from Oxford University. Obtained in the 1920’s this would have been a significant achievement for a woman at that time and her influence on Orwell’s writing has been recognised. Eileen wrote a poem called â€Å"End Of The Century, 1984†(1934). There are similarities between the futuristic vision of Eileen’s poem and Orwell’s 1984, including mind control and the destruction of personal freedom. (www. arlindo-correia) The aggression, described by Winston, during the two-minute hate, and the hangings could have been influenced by Eileen’s psychological knowledge. There are various psychological theories as to why people display aggression. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) believed aggressive impulses are a reaction to frustrations of daily lives. This theory could easily be applied to the citizens in 1984. Freud’s theories were very influential during the 1940’s/50’s and his written articles had an almost political language, when referring to human behaviour, which may have appealed to Orwell’s political and artistic nature. Behavioural psychologists believe behaviour is learnt through reinforcement; their theory is that humans respond to social reinforcement such as social approval. In the 1940’s solidarity and conformity in Britain was achieved via camaraderie â€Å"every one doing their bit†. (Yesterdays Britain) In 1984 it was built on fear. In the following quote Winston describes what happens to citizens who don’t conform to the party’s political orthodoxy. In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized. (Page 22) This type of enforcement was common after the death of Lenin in 1924. His successor Josef Stalin turned a popular revolution based on freedom and equality, into a totalitarian dictatorship maintained solely by terror. He said â€Å"The death of a man is a tragedy; the death of a thousand is a statistic†(World Most Evil Men). A census in 1937 estimated that Russia’s population was twenty million short of what it should have been, although this information was withheld and emigration and famine were factors Stalin’s purges accounted for millions of deaths during his rule. Winston describes the use of purges during the formation of the party. The intense anger and hatred that Winston describes are characteristic of mob behaviour and learning. The characters of Orwell’s novel show almost animal like hatred for the opposition and hero worship for Big Brother. This behaviour appears unrealistic, but if you look at Britain during World War II there are some striking similarities. The people of Britain were suffering a savage war with horrors, deprivation, shortages and bombings. Death and loss were a constant threat, yet ordinary British people obeyed government instructions â€Å"keep calm and carry on†. The conformity of the people of 1984 is portrayed in different ways firstly; party uniforms remove any possibility of individuality. The idea that men and women wore the same uniform also removed gender as a source of identity. ‘ I’m going to get hold of a real women’s frock from somewhere and wear it instead of these bloody trousers’. Julia goes on to say ‘In this room I’m going to be a woman, not a party comrade’. (Page 164) During the war women’s role changed and they were required to do the work previously done by men. The uniforms they wore, although practical, had a distinctly masculine appearance. Clothing was rationed until March 1949 and women had learnt to live independently. The Bible (Deuteronomy 22. 5) clearly states, â€Å"The women shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man†highlighting the social unacceptability of women wearing trousers. This did not change until the 1960’s. Gender identity refers to the psychological and biological dimensions of sex. Freud (1925) described this as â€Å"Psychical consequences of anatomical distinction between the sexes†(Freud 1925) In the modern world, there is legislation that prohibits discrimination, because of a person’s gender identity, which is part of the human rights laws. (www. ransgenderlaw. org) Although Orwell gives his characters names, the society he is describing mainly refer to each other as comrade. This was also a common term used in Nazi Germany, during World War II. Removing the use of personal names is another means of removing an individual’s identity and individuality. The party is all-powerful, friendships and family structure is suppressed to limit the possibility of divided loyalties. The party demands absolute loyalty in thought and deed. Children are brainwashed via organization such as the Junior Spies and Youth Groups these are similar to Adolph Hitler’s Youth League, during World War II. Education was designed to suppress independent thought and sources of information were restricted and controlled. In the 1940’s most educational establishments, educated children via the ‘didactic model’ sometimes called teacher- centred teaching. This method is where knowledge is passed from teacher to pupil. The teacher speaks and the pupil’s listen. In the modern world students are educated via the ‘critical method’ this is sometimes called ‘student-centred learning’. This is a process where students are taught to explore, question and formulate truth and opinions for themselves. The use of investigating, discussing and debating are used to facilitate the development of independent thought. (Pollard1998) One of the most chilling depictions of the repressive and controlling nature of life in 1984, in my opinion, is the inclusion of the telescreen.. â€Å"The telescreen receives and transmitted simultaneously, you had to live did live, from habit that became instinctive in the assumption that every sound you made was over heard, and except in darkness, every movement scrutinised†. Page 5) The use of the telescreen was an ingenious concept, taking into account the era. Technology was primitive compared to the modern world. However, the military during World War II improved radar and rockets, this enabled the post war development of television (1946) and close circuit television (CCTV) (1949). The Star newspaper (January 14 1949) included an article explaining a â€Å"New system of television being used to aid road safety†. This system carried signa ls direct from a camera to a screen with both visual and audio reception, this was known as CCTV. The summer of 1949 saw the technology and the knowledge but not the resources available to launch satellites (The Star 1949) which we now know can be used to monitor, observe and transmit around the world. In today’s society Britain has earned a reputation as a world leader of surveillance. It is estimated that the average British citizen is caught on camera up to three hundred times per day (The Star 2005). However, observation of British citizens is not a new concept. During World War II mass observation was the government’s way of keeping in touch with the mood of the people. Tom Harrison, the director of mass observation called for observers to monitor war morale. Citizens’ reactions in cinemas were monitored to perceive the mood of the nation (Yesterdays Britain). Orwell used irony extensively through out his novel. For example He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. (Page 214) This contradicts appearance with reality and allows the reader to understand Winston’s motives and rebellion. Later the reader is informed that in fact the telescreen is hidden behind a picture, which was offered for sale by Mr Charrington earlier in the novel. This suggests to the reader that an enemy is not always obvious. The friend and foe situation between the Communists and the Nazi’s during the 1940’s is a clear example of a hidden enemy. In the present world, America and Britain are fighting a War on terrorism. It appears ironic that we are fighting a war against an unknown enemy; at home and abroad. Orwell’s character Winston Smith is frequently concerned with the parties’ alteration of facts and history. The quote â€Å"He who controls the past controls the future†is a terrifying notion. The alteration of history, whether personal or social removes individuality and identity it also, to a certain extent, changes reality into anything the ruling party deems it to be. Stalin, after the Russian revolution, had history rewritten to magnify his part in events. Trotsky’s part had been erased from Soviet textbooks. (Time Archive 1940) For information and historical events to be constant and unalterable they need to be remembered. Humans have a complex memory system, which enables information received from the environment to be processed. Short-term memory (STM) is information that is held temporarily and long-term memory (LTM) is a permanent storage system. For information to pass from STM into LTM individuals need to pay attention to the received information. Repetition, relearning and making the information meaningful help to maintain the information permanently. Orwell’s 1984 society appears to be attempting to remove LTM from its citizens. Information is received via telescreens but due to poor LTM development this information can be altered without the individual remembering the original information. This is achievable partly due to the act that new information interferes with previous memories. Orwell expressed his concerns (Politics and the English language) that government officials debating on historic events trivialised the truth and found ways to convince everyone that history never happened or happened but it didn’t mater any way. Young children have a limited memory capacity due to underdevelopment of the pre frontal cortex but also because they are not particularly interested in remembering the past thus make little effort to develop ways of making memories meaningful, which also makes recall more difficult. Orwell use’s this concept in his novel in a variety of ways. Firstly the characters in 1984 are more concerned with survival than the past. The present is more relevant to this aim than events from the past. With the invention of Newspeak, the official language of Oceania it enables the party to restrict speech, thought and consequently memory. Many in today’s society, would suggest that politicians have perfected their own form of â€Å"Newspeak†. The use of text messaging is also a modern day form of newspeak. Orwell was concerned with the use, or misuse of the English language. He felt that words with variable meaning were often used with the intent to deceive and that language was intended for expression not concealing or preventing thought. In the modern world the media is required to present a ‘balanced’ coverage of news and public affaires. However this results in a form of ‘double think’ in which truth is immediately neutered by an opposite truth. The second section of Orwell’s novel deals mainly with the love affair between the characters Winston and Julia. This gives the novel direction and hope. However, the inclusion of â€Å"the book†makes this a difficult section to read. Orwell’s intentions may well have been to explain the futility of war where there are no winners or indeed losers; just simply the maintenance of war. Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf (My Struggle) outlining his vision of the future of Germany. It was a ranting, sometimes unreadable vision of the future of Germany (The world’s most evil men). This may have been the inspiration for the inclusion of â€Å"the book†in Orwell’s novel. Orwell uses various figurative language through out his novel, this gives the writing greater power of expression and meets Orwell’s criteria for artistic purpose (Why I Write). For example the melodramatic use of the nursery rhyme â€Å"Oranges and lemons†, say the bells of St Clements’s! (Page 112) Is an epigram, the rhyme symbolizes, in an almost child like way, the past. Orwell maintains the original historical names of the London churches before the formation of the party. Through this symbolic representation it gives Winston hope that, fragments of the past can survive. Other characters gradually piece together the rhyme until Charington finally completes it during the capture of Winston and Julia. These Churches are recognisable in London today and keep the novel relevant after the year 1984. Orwell uses innuendo with the words â€Å"we shall meet in the place where there is no darkness†(Page 118). Winston believes these words are from O’Brien but Orwell manages to keep the origin and the significance of these words unknown until Winston and Julia are captured. This creates and develops a sense of foreboding and suspense, which maintains the controlling and manipulating society, which is being portrayed in 1984. Winston’s dreams of the â€Å"Golden Country†are the direct opposite of his reality in 1984. They represent peace, beauty, unity and uniqueness. These are Freudian theories as they reveal Winston’s subconscious. The capture and subsequent torture of Winston shows a curious, horrific and terrifying journey. The absolute and total destruction of the mind and body. However, the language and tone is calm and detached with surprisingly little malice, anger or hatred. This gives a deeper more powerful description of what Orwell is suggesting the future could be. It also gives the character O’Brien a more complex personality. He is constantly switching between ‘good guy’ and ‘bad guy’. This intrigues the reader, as well as Winston. Is he friend or foe? He has the â€Å"power†to do good or evil, which will he choose? Orwell is using an interesting psychological theory. He is suggesting that not all evil men are bad all the time and thus good people do not always act nicely. The reader is left with a feeling of wanting to like O’Brien but at the same time hating him for his cruelty. This strange relationship is as contradictory and confusing as Churchill and Roosevelt’s involvement with Stalin (1939). Despite the catastrophic purges, and the negative value that Stalin had demonstrated over human life, they still became allies. Churchill said of Stalin, at the Yalta summit, â€Å"I walk through the world with greater courage when I find myself in a relationship of friendship and intimacy with this great man. †Stalin concealed a cruel and calculating nature prepared to commit war crimes at least as evil as those of the enemy. (Worlds Most Evil Men) Winston represents mankind (us)†If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man. †(Page 309) Winston’s torture and re-education is his or our chance to save humanity, freedom, individuality, choice, beliefs and the right to be different. Orwell has used psychological manipulation of the mind to project a horrific interpretation of the destruction of mankind Orwell uses a terrifying concept, by taking Stalin and Hitler’s atrocities to a whole new level: total and absolute conformity in life as well as in death. So long as human beings stay human, death and life are the same thing. (Page 156) Orwell’s novel in my opinion is a plausible projection of the future as he saw it in 1948. Projections of the future, often allows the reader to become detached because the people appear different from oneself. However, Orwell creates characters that are not dissimilar from us (the reader). The inclusion of the proletarians, that cleverly maintain sentimental songs and normal human compassion, also prevents detachment and preserves recognisable modern parallels. The setting of this novel is used to maintain the past, the present and the future. For example, the central administration building of The University of London which was used during World War II as the headquarters for the ministry of information. All censoring systems were coordinated from here. It bears a striking resemblance to the Ministry of Love described in 1984 and amusingly its telegraphic address was â€Å"miniform†. (www. orwelltoday. com) All other significant buildings, described in 1984 can be located in London today. This was probably Orwell’s intention and it keeps the novel viable even after the year 1984. In returning to the original question I feel I have demonstrated that George Orwell used many sources of inspiration, from the world, in his writing of 1984 and it powerfully reflects the times in which it was written. After the publication of Animal Farm (1945) Orwell explained that he intended â€Å"to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole†(Why I Write). This suggests that Orwell was concerned with Britain’s future. Even with overwhelming evidence of the evil nature of the Stalin regime, they still became allies with Britain and America. Malcolm Muggeride said of Orwell â€Å"He loved the past, hated the present and dreaded the future. I strongly believe that Orwell intended 1984, as a warning of what the world could become, not necessarily what it would become, if ‘we’ (the future) did not take action and responsibility. Orwell has left a legacy, a permanent warning. For the present and the future, to prevent the formation of the totalitarian states of the past. His terminology has given modern day man, the language to express themselves and to protect civil liberties and influence human rights. 1984 is a political satire that exaggerates all that was wrong with the world in 1949 to hopefully shock and horrify a nation into action and prevent this type of society becoming a reality. Although the date of the book has passed the message is still clear and in some ways more relevant today, than when it was written. The advances in technology have made the surveillance and monitoring of citizens easier and more commonplace. Freedom, in the true sense of the word still depends on where you live, your age and your gender. However, I feel Orwell’s novel should be recognised for its extraordinary impact and significant contribution to human rights in the modern world. Although Orwell’s warning has been subjected to many interpretations I feel a novelist is supposed to make you think and possibly reflect: you must agree, job well done. Despite its critics 1984 has sold millions of copies and has been translated into 65 languages.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Lead Poisoning :: essays research papers
          Lead Poisoning      One out of every six children under the age of six are suffering from health disorders due to the poisonous metal, lead. Lead is a natural occurring bluish-gray metal found in the earth's crust. It has no taste or smell. Lead can easily be found in all parts of our environment today. Most of it comes from mining, manufacturing, and the burning of fossil fuels. In the United States lead poison has increased because of the lack of knowledge in our society. Lead is released into the environment by industries, the burning of fossil fuels or wastes.      When lead enters the environment, it starts to become a problem. After a period of about ten days, depending on the weather, it falls to the surface. Here lead builds up in the soil particles. Where it may make its way into underground water or drinking water due to the fact the grounds acidic or if it's soft enough. Either way it stays a long time on the soil or in water. Months or years down the road after the lead has built up it starts to become a problem for children that play outside of their homes . This lead containing soil particles get on the child's hands or clothing and end up in the child's mouth. After the build up of so much lead it leads to lead poison. Lead poisoning has been an issue since the early 1900s, when the use of lead started being banned from the manufacturing of paint in foreign countries such as Australia. Unfortunately, the United States did not start banning it until 1978, when it finally became illegal in our nation. Today 90% of t he lead in the atmosphere comes from the burning of gasoline. This problem has been a large issue since the 1920s, when the Environmental Protection Agency started making laws on the amount of lead allowed in gasoline.      There are many other ways that a child, especially under the age of six can be diagnosed to lead poison besides air pollution. One of the most common ways is when a child eats or chews on an object that has lead based paint chips in or on its surface. Parents can easily prevent this from happening by reading labels or buying objects which are not painted. Another way in a child can be affected is by drinking water that comes from lead pipes.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
La Grande Odalisque Essay
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres was born on August 28th, 1780. He became one of Jacques-Louis David’s most famous and successful students. During Ingres time working with David, and eventually turning away from him, he became a part of the Neo-Classicism movement; leaving behind, but not forgetting the Romanticism methods. Neo-Classicism is the 18th century restoration of tradition principles which lead Ingres to be one of the most famous draftsmen. Ingres was an extremely precise and talented man of his time and was most famous for his portraits; especially his portraits of female nudes. In the year 1814, Ingres created one of his most famed masterpieces, La Grande Odalisque. It was created in Paris and still remains there in the museum by the name of The Musà ©e du Loure. The painting is well-known for its subject of fantasy and eroticism; she was a passive, mysterious and an unknown being to the Western world, which made her audience long for answers. Throughout Ingres life he created many pieces of work. In his well ahead years, Ingres continued to paint and surprise his faultfinders. He eventually ended up on top, being viewed as â€Å"one of the greatest living artists in France†during that time. (Rifkin 15) He left behind many fans but no apprentices to carry on the Neoclassicism heritage. Ingres painted many historical, mythological, and religious subjects; however, he is probably most respected for his portraits and female nudes. Ingres’s style highlights skilful formations, along with smoothly painted surfaces, and very thorough drawings. â€Å"In 1814, he created one of his many famous masterpieces, Grande Odalisque. It is 91 cm in height and 162 cm in length (35.8 Ãâ€" 63.8 in).†(Peirce 50) It is an oil painting on canvas, with a subject of make-believe and sexuality. The painting was commissioned by Queen Caroline Murat of Naples, Napoleon’s sister. It was painted in the Neoclassicism movem ent in Paris, along with many of his other works. This one in particular is of a nude female, who transpires to be an odalisque. â€Å"An odalisque was a female slave in an Ottoman seraglio, especially the Imperial Harem of the sultan.†(Peirce 54) La Grande Odalisque was formed by Ingres using some of David’s ideas and creating a female nude, in a bizarre and unfamiliar way. To the Western world she was nothing like they’d ever seen before, which caused confusion but a desire to want to know everything about her; â€Å"In the mind of an early 19th century French male viewer, the sort of person for whom this image was made, the odalisque would have conjured up not just a harem slave, itself a misconception, but a set forth fears and desires.†(Shelton 75) This was mainly because of the way in which Europe considered Islamic Asia; they viewed the people there as unique, barren and careless. To observers she was located in an almost make-believe world, much like how Western culture viewed the Eastern side o f the world; fantasized. At the time it was ignominious for its physical wrongness; in specific, â€Å"the nude female was thought to have three lumbar vertebrae too many†. (Shelton 78) It was an opinion stressed by art critics, but was never challenged or proven. When it had finally been studied, they found something out of the regular, â€Å"we measured the length of the back and of the pelvis in human models, expressed the mean values in terms of head height, and transferred them to the painting.†(Peirce 81) The falsification was found to be greater than what had been presumed originally; â€Å"La Grande Odalisque had five, rather than three, further lumbar vertebrae†(Peirce 81). Basically, she is structurally impossible; her pose is one that would be impossible to mimic. Since Ingres combined rationality and realism into his paintings some critics believe the deformation may perhaps exist on purpose and stand for an emotional motive. The way in which the woman’s head is placed and how it the distance it is away from her pelvis suggests, â€Å"the artist may have been marking the gulf between her thoughts and her social role†(Shelton 79) The face of the woman is where the observer’s eyes are drawn. Her expression is secluded, care-free and mysterious; giving her an almost secret filled feel about her. Her role as a harem is not to think of feeling; she is there only for the purpose of pleasure. â€Å"This theme is consistent with the role of women in the nineteenth-century views on female gender roles  â€Å"public women,†i.e., prostitutes, fulfilled a vitally important social role as repositories of male sexual desire.†(Siegfried, Rifkin, Willey 34) Her gaze pulls viewers into her unknown world; captures and traps. The main reason for her existence is to wait upon a man, but not just any man; her husband. With knowing that her husband is the only man to ever see her in this state, the viewer is pulled in and knowing they will never be able to experience her, â€Å"she was part of the sultan harem, she was there to satisfy the carnal pleasures of the sultan, despise what she may feel or want. She reflects a woman ´s deep thoughts, complex emotions and feelings.†(Peirce 48) Her gaze tortures the viewer into looking and makes it difficult to look away. This piece is full of sensuality, mystery and romanticism. The woman is surrounded by a dark background; black with many different shades of blue. Her and her body are really the only aspect of the painting holding any light colours. With this, she stand out to the viewer; making her more striking than ever. Even with her imperfections she is blessed with flawless skin, shoulders, legs, arms and hands. The items nearby her, the peacock fan, the turban, and the pearls suggest an unfamiliar place; an exotic place. At her feet lies a hookah, which may come to the viewers as a shock; it’s not for tobacco but rather opium. The harem may come off to observers as irrational, passive and drugged, which creates more desire to know what she’s about. Is she offering it, or is she just high? That is a question that will never be answered, a question that keeps the viewers’ attention. La Grande Odalisque is what Western society believes a harem would look like. She is of the unknown but in a way that it becomes familiar. Since this is what the Western part of the world imagines and fantasizes about Islamic Asia, it makes them believe they are superior to what’s in front of them. Ingres conveyed his subject of wants and desires by painting La Grande Odalisque, and having the Western part of the world view it; you want what you can’t have. That is one way in looking at it, another is: â€Å"Some art historians have suggested that colonial politics also played a role.†(Shelton 81) Either way, Ingres combined what was happening to the world around him, two places so unfamiliar colliding together, with what the Western world wanted to see; what is actually happening is a completely different story than what one wants to believe is happening. La Grande Odalisque is recognized for its subject of desire for the unknown; her gaze, her pose, and the inferior, yet exotic, items surrounding her are what makes her so incredible to what people consider the norm. She has deficiencies but her overall appearance is perfect; she is nothing like her observers, which makes her that much more wanted; it’s a conflict between La Grande Odalisque and the viewer. Society, even today, is scared of the unfamiliar. We take situations, events and even the little parts in life that we are unsure of and turn it into something that can be confronted, even if it’s not reality; it’s what human beings do to feel safe from what we consider the abnormal. What makes this painting so unique is that people critique the way in which viewers see her, instead of the way she sees us; she is an unacquainted with us, as we are with her.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
John Fante Ask the Dust
In the novel Ask the Dust by John Faint, the mall character, Arturo Banding, lacks the ability to have a true and sincere Identity. He traveled to California In hopes of becoming a successful writer. Rotator's journey to become a successful white American male fuels his hypocritical and contradicting lifestyle. His move to California influenced his self attitude, racial viewpoints, and perspective towards love. Arturo has a very strange relationship with women, whether It be Vera, Camilla, or a random women on the streets.Arturo develops an attraction towards Camilla, a Mexican-American women who he finds faintly attractive, â€Å"With a Amman nose, flat with large nostrils. Her lips were heavily rouged, with the thickness of a Negroes' lips. She was a racial type, and as such she was beautiful, but she was too strange for me†(Faint 34). Arturo starts off saying how lovely she is but then contradicts himself by saying she is too strange. One minute Arturo is happy with Camill a and the next his Is cursing her off under his breath. Foe call me beautiful at home, then you are ashamed to be seen with me In public. You are ashamed of beauty you recognize hat no one else does. You are ashamed to love me! †(Faint) Camilla recognizes that Arturo is unaware of how he feels and she confronts him about it. He hates the feeling of lust that she gives him so he runs to church to â€Å"cleanse†himself. Arturo is incapability of having true feelings towards a women stems from the fact that he is unsure of what love is. â€Å"By the all desire that had not come a while before†¦ T pounded my skull and tingled my fingers. I threw myself on the bed and tore the pillow†. (Faint) Arturo can not control the way he feels and due to that he becomes hypocritical and introduction to love. â€Å"She was forcing it with her scorn, the kiss she gave me, the hard curl of her lips, the mockery of her eyes, until I was like a man made of wood and there was no feeling within me except terror and a fear of her, a sense that her beauty was too much, that she was so much more beautiful than l, deeper rooted than l.She made me a stranger unto myself, she was all of those calm nights and tall eucalyptus trees, the desert stars, that land and sky, that fog outside, and I had come there with no purpose save to be a mere writer, to get money, to make a name for yeses and all that piffle. She was so much finer than l, so much more honest, that I was sick of myself and I could not look at her warm eyes, I suppressed the shiver brought on by her brown arms around my neck and the long fingers In my hair. I did not kiss her. She kissed me, author of The Little Dog Laughed. Then she took my wrist with her two hands.She pressed her lips Into the palm of my hand. She placed my hand upon her bosom between her breasts. She turned her lips towards my face and waited. And Arturo Banding, the great author dipped deep into his colorful imagination, romantic Arturo Banding, Just chock-full of clever phrases, and he said, weakly, kittenishly, ‘Hello. †(Faint) Throughout the whole novel Arturo talks to himself and contradicts all of the feelings he has towards love or Camilla and also towards himself. Sadly due to Rotator's lack of understand meet he ruins anything he could Arturo Banding thinks very highly of himself.Arturo likes to put on â€Å"performances†to show that he is better than everyone else. He is very arrogant with his performances and proclamations. Arturo will walk around with copies of his published story; The Little Dog Laughed. He goes around thinking that he is a well known writer and everyone should worship him like he worships his editor; Hackett. Arturo can not seem to find himself and who he really is until the end of the novel. When Arturo gets money his whole attitude and â€Å"performance†changes, he acts like a rich white American male.He starts to walk around with his head held hi gh and Just throwing money away like it is no big deal. Arturo wanted an expensive beer and he orders one from Camilla. Camilla says â€Å"it's expensive, forty cents†(Faint, 61) and she seems to have concern for him. She knows that he doesn't make a lot of money and if he does it is Just a lucky check from Hackett. He blows right through the money and Camilla evens warns him saying he should not spend his money like that after buying the two bartenders forty cent beers.He seems to not ever believe in a god or religion but he will go and write a letter to his mother telling her to pray for him and that he is praying for her. â€Å"Remember me to Him and give all and shiniest in the skies†(Faint 104) Arturo sends in the letter to his mother and we know that this is not the way Arturo acts. Arturo strives to be meeting he is not, a famous rich writer that everyone knows. Sadly that will not happen for him due to his hypocritical attitudes and unsure attitude towards hi mself.Deep down we can tell that he is not satisfied with his life and contradicts everything he says. Arturo bashes on anyone who is not full blooded American, like Camilla. Arturo is not even a full blooded American, he is Italian. Arturo enters the hotel he wants to live at and the lady at the desk is also very racist and makes sure that he is neither â€Å"a Mexican or a Jew'. Not even Just Arturo has his racial Judgments, everyone in the own does. â€Å"A cop won't pick you up for vagrancy in Los Angels if you wear a fancy polo shirt and a pair of sunglasses.But if there is dust on your shoes and that sweater you wear is thick like the sweaters they wear in the snow countries, he'll grab you. So get yourself a polo shirt boys, and a pair of sunglasses, and white shoes, if you can†is advise Arturo is giving anybody who is not of American decent. When he was younger he was called a â€Å"spice and greaser†and did not like it, but then he goes and calls Camilla th e same thing. â€Å"And Camilla, when I said â€Å"greaser†to you, it was to my heart that spoke, but the quivering of an old wound. And I am ashamed of the terrible thing I have done. (Faint 7) Deep down Arturo knows that what he had said was horrible and he should not have said that because he has true feelings for her even though she is Mexican. â€Å"When I was a kid, back in Colorado, it was Smith, Parker and Jones who hurt me with their hideous names. Who called me whop and Dagon and greaser, and their children hurt me. Just as I hurt you. They hurt me so much, I could never become one of them. Drove me to books, drove me within myself. Drove me to UN away from that town in Colorado, into your home and into your life.And sometimes, when I see their faces out here, the same faces, the same sad, hard mouths from my hometown. I'm glad they're here fulfilling the emptiness of their lives and dying in the sun. And they hate me, and my father and my father's father. Times. †Arturo loves being American and would not want to be anything else. He soon understands that Camilla wants to be American Just as much as he wants to be a famous writer. What he did was contradict himself by calling Camilla all those horrible names he was called when he was younger.Hypocrisy and contradiction plays a huge role in Arturo Banding's life and attitude towards whether it be towards love, himself, or other races. He struggles to realize that his actions are hurting him and the others around him. His desire to be a writer fueled his energy to become negative towards most of his peers. All he really wanted was to get famous and become rich, but he found out the true meanings of life and what is more important. Rotator's dreams of becoming a rich and famous writer in California did not fully come true. He found what love is, who he really is, and how it feels to not be American.
Friday, November 8, 2019
In what ways is The Signalman a typical ghost story Essays
In what ways is The Signalman a typical ghost story Essays In what ways is The Signalman a typical ghost story Paper In what ways is The Signalman a typical ghost story Paper The Signalman describes the steam from the train as vapour The driver of the train which runs down the signalman describes his actions just before the train he was driving killed the signalman:- Ah it was a dreadful time, sir. I never left of calling to him. I put this arm before my eyes not to see, and I waved this arm to the last; but it was no use. And finally after hearing the signalmans state of anguish the narrator tries to decide what to do next:- Though in a subordinate position, still he held a most important trust, and would I (for instance) like to stake my own life on the chances of his continuing to execute it with precision? As you can see, the style of writing is quite complicated and written in the familiar old fashioned Victorian style (who says halloa nowadays? but this is standard in ghost stories, even modern day ghost stories use some old fashioned words because it seems to work better. Dickens use of adjectives to create a brooding and supernatural atmosphere is typical of ghost stories, the cutting which is overshadowed by trees leaving little light to shine through is described as a dungeon suggesting a claustrophobic and imprisoned atmosphere which is typical of a ghost story. Rarely are ghost stories set in wide sprawling open spaces and this is no exception. Dickens describes the tunnel (using quite simple adjectives) as having a gloomy entrance and the actual tunnel itself being black and the signal box as dismal. But he then goes onto describe the mouth of the tunnel as described as having a barbarous, depressing and forbidding air and then the narrator feels as though he had left the natural world like he had entered hell, then he goes on to describe the sounds the wind blowing through the telegraph wires make:- But do listen for a moment to the wind. and the wild harp it makes of the telegraph wires Language like this adds plenty of atmosphere to this already evil location and gives it a supernatural air. Ghost stories always have plenty of atmosphere (so this is a typical feature) by using language like this the story makes you feel as though you are actually there in this evil setting with all the disturbing features present. Dickens describes the feeling of the train coming as a violent pulsation like it was an evil force, you get a real feeling of how noisy and powerful this thundering beast is. Dickens also uses descriptive writing when the narrators what its like walking down the steep sides of the cutting:- It was made through a clammy stone, that became oozier and wetter as I went down Which suggests to me that the closer he gets to the railway line, the more evil and forbidding the location becomes as though youve stepping from one world to the next just by going down this steep cutting. The two characters are described very well as the narrator has an all-knowing, conf ident air. When thinking of what to do next after listening to the signalmans stories, the narrator thinks to himself:- I had proved the man to be intelligent, vigilant, painstaking and exact; but how long might it remain so, in his state of mind? The confident narrator uses quite long, complex, fluent sentences as if he knows what he was talking about and is not at all fazed by the ghost stories he had been told and does not even consider the signalmans stories to be true. He stands by the idea that he is right and what he knows what to do next. The narrator says when commenting on his past education says to himself:- He had run wild, misused his opportunities, gone down and never risen again Suggesting that he would never rise to the same level as he (the narrator) was on and that it was a shame the signalman had missed his chance. The narrator seemed to have summed the signalman up before hed got to know him personally or heard any of his past, like he was judging a book by its cover. The reticent, jumpy, nervous air of the signalmans conversations puts a message across to me that this man is scared of something. He is described as having an attitude of expectation and watchfulness, suggesting that something is going to happen. He speaks in much shorter bursts of sentences, no long passive ones here At the danger light, It WAS there, No it was silent. The signalman also shouts to get a point across like he is agitated and on the edge. It is typical for ghost stories for the confident character to use long and fluent sentences and the nervous victim, to use short sentences because he has a lot on his mind, is distracted and does not have time to think. In the first half of a ghost story words such as calm and confident are used to describe the thoughts and feelings of the sceptical character. But the end of the story uses words such as terror and horror used to describe his feelings and thoughts. This is because the sceptical character is not sceptical anymore or confident because he as experienced something terrifying. This is typical of a ghost story for the words to describe his/her state of mind to change completely by the end of the story. The signalman himself is described as dark, sombre and with heavy eyebrows which reminds me of Scrooges appearance in A Christmas Carol. One other typical aspect of ghost stories is there is never any detailed description of the ghost itself at all (if there is one in the story, it may just be a ghostly presence), the story uses suggestion. This is how the signalman describes the ghost:- and I saw this someone else standing by the red light Was the figure dark? Was it a woman or man? All we know from the text was that it was intangible, you have to use your imagination for the rest. This is also typical of ghost stories where you have to use youre imagination. Conclusion Is The Signalman a typical ghost story? I think most of you already knew the answer to this one-of course it is. It has so many of the patented features of ghost stories, the dark, bleak and isolated setting (away from civilisation and help), the spirit appearing one moonlit night, which also means strange shadows. Then there is the two main characters-one nervous and subdued, one confident and rational. The ghost only appears when the victims alone. There is nothing the signalman can do to get rid of the spirit and the ending of the story is typically enigmatic leaving an air of mystery. The list goes on, but the typical elements are what makes it such a good read, without these features it would not be a proper ghost story in my opinion, it would be very hard to write a ghost story without any of these features. Personally I thought The Signalman was a brilliant ghost story which really made me shiver. Its the little details such as the gloomy red warning light, the way the telegraph wires made a noise when its windy and the dark, gloomy tunnel were the factors which were particularly disturbing for me. The fact that it was set in such a lonely place made it all the more scarier, but the surprising twist at the end was probably the best part of the story (where we find out the strange coincidence between the driver, the narrator and the ghost). I prefer stories (such as this) which have a surprising ending, which leaves an air of mystery and makes you think and question the issues in the story, long after you have turned the last page. Although they are quite different in terms of the actual story, Id say that The Signalman is probably not as accomplished and well-rounded as Dickenss other story A Christmas Carol(A Christmas Carol has more of a feel good ending than The Signalman which I preferred to this quite sad one). None the less, The Signalman is more disturbing and scarier and creates a better atmosphere than A Christmas Carol which is an essential part in any ghost story. A brilliant typical ghost story.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 part-time jobs great for college students
5 part-time jobs great for college students Being a college student can be rough work- on top of juggling a heavy class load with extracurricular activities and social opportunities, many students look to take on some type of part-time employment, either to help pay for school or for extra spending money. That’s a lot to handle, and it’s exactly why students should make every effort to ensure that they’re choosing the right types of jobs. An ideal part-time job allows for some level of schedule flexibility to accommodate busy lives in and out of the classroom and will not eclipse or overshadow a student’s primary goals- to get good grades and have a positive college experience.Monster recently published an article highlighting some of the best part-time jobs for college students. If you’re a student on the hunt for a part-time job, consider the following five possibilities.1. BabysitterTaking care of children has long been a tried and true employment opportunity for students. Why? Because stu dents typically have the energy and enthusiasm to keep up with young children. Babysitting is typically the sort of work students can do around their class schedules- night and weekend work is common. It also tends to pay relatively well and you can pretty much set your own work hours and availability.2. BaristaCollege students have long-since discovered the power of coffee to get through a long and busy day, and many students have also discovered that making and serving coffee can be an excellent way to earn some extra cash. Not only are there coffee shops practically everywhere (especially around college campuses across the country), they also typically offer work shift opportunities around classes and can be fun and social environments- not a bad way to earn a paycheck.3. DriverIf you have a car and a little extra time on your hands, becoming a driver might be a great choice for part-time work. For the most part you’ll get to be your own boss, set your own hours, and work from the comfort of your own car. Work when you’re available, look forward to some extra tips from grateful passengers, and have plenty of time to handle the rest of your busy life.4. IT support specialistThese days, the average college student was practically raised on technology and has solid tech skills that they can put to good use. If you often find yourself helping friends and family with their tech-related issues, why not get paid for it? You can either employ yourself or find a job on campus as an IT support specialist and earn good money doing something that you’re naturally good at.5. Retail associateMost of us at one time or another held at least one job in retail- and for good reason. These jobs are often easy to find and are flexible, relatively low-stress ways to earn some extra money. If this sounds right up your alley, head out to some stores in your area and see if they’re hiring.There you have it- if you’re a college student on the hunt for a part-time job, one of these five options might be just the right move for you. Happy hunting!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Being a family in Greek and Roman Mythological Period Essay
Being a family in Greek and Roman Mythological Period - Essay Example What is negative is the complexity brought about by fights within the family. This is where the rightfulness of the loyalty shown is tested (Thury and Devinney 56-7). On a deeper perspective, Jung and Freud provide extensive, reflective, and philosophical interpretations of mythology. According to Jung, myths illustrate the ongoing psychic biases of a society. They also contain symbols or images upon which the society has come to perch. Some examples of these archetypes are wise old men (which can be referred to how families see their elderly members), the great earth mother (denotes the typical women’s role of giving birth, etc.), and powerful male sky-god (demonstrates how males are seen in the society). Jung also describes the Electra complex that shows the first sexual feelings of a daughter is towards the father, thus developing hatred and jealousy towards the mother. Freud has a counterpart theory of this called the Oedipus complex that says the first sexual feelings of a male child is directed towards his mother, which results also in hatred and jealousy directed towards the rival --- the father (Bowlby 13-5). These theories are demonstrated in several myths.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Assignment IB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Assignment IB - Essay Example International management recruitment and selection mechanism are exposed to various risks which the organizations are required to manage and select appropriate hedging techniques. The management plays the pivotal role in managing the risks faced by the organizations. Political risks are one of the important risks which the multinational firms quite often face. â€Å"Political risks are any governmental action or politically motivated event that could adversely affect the long-run profitability or the value of a firm†(Deresky, 2006, p.30). In order to manage the political risks identification of the risks is crucial. The risks faced by the firms may be firm-specific risks that affect the firms at the corporate level with conflict between the firm and the host government. In order to manage these risks the firms enters into negotiation of an investment agreement to purchase investment insurance and guarantees, to modify operating strategies in production, logistics, marketing, finance, organization, and personnel at the corporate level. Cultural and institutional risk evolve from host country policies with respect to ownership structure, human resource norms, religious heritage, nepotism and corruption, intellectual property rights, and protectionism. Managing cultural and institutional risks requires the MNCs to understand the differences, take legal actions in host country courts, support worldwide treaties to protect intellectual property rights, and support government efforts to create regional markets (Foreign Investment Decisions, 2005, p. 460).Closely connected with the political risks is the economic risk of the country. Various approaches are adapted by the mangers to manage the economic risks. The quantitative approach is devised to assign different weights to economic variables in order to produce a composite index used to measure the country’s creditworthiness over time and also to make comparisons with other countries. The problem of t his approach is to do not incorporate different stages of development among the countries it compares. The qualitative approach estimates the economic risks of a country by assessing the capability of its leaders as well as analyzing the types of policies they are likely to implement. The future dimension of the economy of the country can be estimated from this approach. In another approach which is the checklist approach, the researchers develop several vulnerability indicators that categorize the countries in terms of their ability to withstand the economic volatility. Majority of the corporations try to use the combination of all these approaches to manage the economic risks faced by the organization (Deresky, 2006, p.34). Repatriate turnover not only results in a loss of human capital investment for the MNC in general but also increases the risks the possibility of losing this investment to a direct competitor. To reduce the risk of repatriate turnover, MNCs will emphasis on the structuring of the short-term oriented HR practices inculcated with longer-term instruments such as integrating international assignments into individual career paths. Research has focused that the short-term assignees may fail to expand helpful relationships with local colleagues and customers at the same time facing increased risks of marital problems. One of the staffing policies in this case is
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unions - Essay Example They came together to fight for their fair share in the social, economic pie of the city. At that time, most of the people in New York did not own homes but most of them rented. This structure fostered politics were more collective in contrast to the dream of American where there was a need for suburban home ownership a move that promoted individualistic, conservative property paying tax outlook. In the post war there was preservation of rent control, which is an example, which showed how organized labor did shape the landscape of New York City. The federal government imposed rent regulation in most regions of the country, which marked the wartime. However, this was not achieved in New York City since the unions did lobby for the preservation of rent control in their state. After a persistent lobby by the trade unions to preserve rent control, there followed the development of rent clinics that were meant tot to educate workers on the rights. Without the help of labor unions, workers in New York City could not afford to stay in their homes, then or even now since they could not afford the rents in the area. Moreover, there was fighting against fare hikes at that time to fight for the rights of people who were being exploited since the majority of the working class did not own cars. In order for Mayor William O’Dwyer to raise fair in 1948, he had to overcome tremendous pressure from the workers unions at that time. They managed to transfer the mandate to increase bus fares from the municipal government to a New York City transit authority, which is more insulated in the year 1953. Social democracy in New York City was not all easy at the beginning. However, in 1942, the then mayor La Guardia did establish a city center that was involved with drama and music. This nonprofit making organization was working towards bringing n about affordable music to all residents of New
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