Friday, February 21, 2020
Under the background of globalization, the impact of financial policy Essay
Under the background of globalization, the impact of financial policy on urbanization process - Essay Example ination of how much interest rates can be charged, and the budget that the government operates with as well as the labour market, the national ownership and more other sectors that the government provides intervention in the economy of that particular company. These policies are normally subjective of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund or The World bank and also the political beliefs that are harboured as well as the policies that the parties that are affected have. Globalisation has many scopes and it brings out different meanings to different people who are In different academic disciplines where others look at it as economic capitalism while there is a group that perceives it as a way of coming up with a culture that has high breed characteristics. Generally, globalisation can be seen as the increase in the amount of interconnectedness that exists in the world and is escalated by the blitz of market capitalism that has taken place all over the world and the improvements in electronic communication and the technologies that are related to transport. The forms of urbanisation that exist in the post-globalisation era exhibit an increased growth and concentration of population in the cities that are larger and urban economic growth has progressively contributed by services sectors, deteriorating share of industrial sector and greater labour output. Largely, the growth consequences of these relative analyses suggest a need for going on with econo mic globalisation and for a national methodology for the improvement of large cities (Narayana, 2010, p. 91-116). Agglomerations in the services which is normally measured by the specialisation index of the region multiplied by the size in the financial intermediation has normally been seen as having a positive impact on the growth and this kind of results can have implications that are particular for urban regions since financial intermediation mainly exists in the areas that are
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Interview Questions - The influence of a parent or other family Essay
Interview Questions - The influence of a parent or other family memebers on participation in Sport - Essay Example ho encouraged students to engage in sports, who discouraged them from engaging in sports, whether parents participate in physical activities, and the role of health in promoting the participation of a child in physical activity. On this note, the minor themes that relate to the major theme of this report are; family, health condition and childhood. The research conducted manages to highlight these themes through fifteen questions, which focus on the role of parents in promoting physical activities amongst their children, their role in hindering physical activities amongst their children, the role of health care in sports, and the manner in which an individual engaged in physical activities. By looking at how the fifteen questions are structured, though they depict a minor theme, an answer to them contributes in answering the major theme of the research. This major theme is the role of parents or family in influencing their children to engage in sports/ physical activity. In this report, the four individuals interviewed highlighted the importance of family members in their socialization process, and this process led them to engage in physical activities. Family socialization process refers to the methodologies that people learn, and thereafter develop into adulthood possessing the characteristics that they have. For instance, there are high chances that an adult person who is a fan of football engaged in the sport during his or her childhood (Sansone and Harackiewicks, 430). Chances are likely that this engagement was motivated by their parents or family members. This is because as a child, a person requires guidance in all the affairs of their lives; from education, to the sports and recreational life they engage in (Sansone and Harackiewicks, 417). From the findings of the interview, this report proves that parents, through their guidance, play a role in influencing their children on the kind of physical activity they engage in. This report analyzes the
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