Sunday, October 13, 2019

Beowulf is an Anglo Saxon Hero Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

There has only been one hero in Anglo-Saxon history, only one man can meet every requirement one needs to be classified as hero. Only one man's honor, loyalty, courage, generosity, and wisdom, fits the true definition of a hero. That man is Beowulf. With these leading traits, Beowulf's rise to heroism was not just by chance. He filled each of the five characteristics perfectly, as if it was his destiny to be admired. To gain the respect and glory that a person of power needs, one must earn it. There is only one way to achieve respect in the times of the Anglo-Saxons. Only Beowulf was the most honored man throughout all Anglo-Saxon history. He performed three straightforward tasks to reach his level of admiration. In the time of The Anglo-Saxon?s, men lived by the Comitatus Code. One avenged the death of their king. Men lived a lifestyle of boasting and violence. Beowulf?s first major feat was undoubtedly through violence. An evil bloodthirsty creature named Grendel haunted the mead hall of Heorot. Upon hearing of this ghastly monster, Beowulf found it too ?hard to ignore? (Lines 409-410). Many claimed it was an impossible feat to go toe to toe with Grendel (Line 473). ?No one has ever outlasted an entire night with Grendel? (Lines 527-528). Hrothgar said that he would hate to burden anyone with such a great task. For many have tried, yet none have succeeded in killing Grendel. Ho wever, Beowulf took on Grendel and ripped his arm off as a sign of his sheer strength. Upon accomplishing this act, Beowulf did what was a customary action for this time. He bragged, boasted, and did not downplay the praise he received. He had just ripped the arm off the monster that had been previously tormenting Heorot?s mead ... ... decision throughout all Anglo-Saxon history. Life doesn?t cost Beowulf a thought (Line 1535). Beowulf gave his breath so that life still can go on. He made the choice that was best for his people, but in turn fatal for him. Beowulf, the honorable, loyal, and courageous king of great generosity and wisdom has fallen. The perfectness on every level was amazing. The five traits that Beowulf needed to qualify for to even be considered a hero, he exceeded them. Beowulf was the man whose honor lives on. Beowulf was the man whole loyalty and courageousness never faltered. Beowulf was the man whose generosity touched the heart of others. Beowulf was the man with the greatest wisdom throughout all history. ?Beowulf worked for the people, but as well at that he behaved like a hero?(Lines 3006-3007). Beowulf knew he was destined to be our king, leader, our beast.

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