Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Education Of National Education - 1607 Words

EDUCATION Now let us talk about the education systems used in Turkey for its citizens. Every person in Turkey accepts the right to education, which is free just like here in the U.S. Now as we continue to speak about grades from kindergarten to the end of high school. Their exception is in licensed and foreign institutions like going to school abroad. They too have 12 years of education for boys and girls, which can be divided into 4+4+4 years of schooling. The Ministry of national education is responsible for coming up the curricula, coordinating the work of official and private organizations. Not to different when compared to the United States of America. All educational expenses of the public, about ten percent of the general budget is allocated for national education by the central government. I know I keep on comparing Turkey to the U.S, and I do this so you can see how both nations compare and to give you a better understanding of it when you can relate to it. The school calendar general ly begins just like us, September and goes through mid June. School has five-day sessions with total hours to not exceed forty hours. Turkey has winter breaks for school between Januarys through February. Universities commonly organize the academic year into two semesters, usually between October through January and between February through March and June through July. Pre-primary education gains an option for kids between the ages three to five years of age who are under the age ofShow MoreRelatedThe National Policy On Education Essay1564 Words   |  7 PagesThe National Policy on Education (NPE) that was adopted by Parliament in May 1986 and Programme of Action (POA), 1986, as updated in 1992, are perhaps the last government policy statements on higher education and which have guided actions since the mid-1980s. 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