Sunday, August 25, 2019

History of the US Participation in World War II Research Paper - 2

History of the US Participation in World War II - Research Paper Example The war offered the United States to evaluate its military strength and strategies in situations and conditions that were never realised before. It is important to note that the involvement of the United States in the Second World War came in December of 1941 after the Japanese attack. However, the world war had started in the September of 1939 when Germany invaded Poland riding on the fancies of Hitler to establish German empire on the lines of the racial purity and sense of revenge against the western powers who pushed Germany into Economic oblivion after the end of the World War I. At the same time, it was the involvement of the United States that played a determining role in changing the equations of war after Japan went berserk for the establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The involvement of the United States was dearly desired by the Allies who realised the military capability of the United States forces but it didn’t come before the attack on Pear l Harbour, an incident which was remembered by the contemporary President Roosevelt for its ‘infamy’. It was the unexpected intrusion of the Imperial Japanese Navy that surprised the political establishment of the United States and the measure of the damage forced the United States to go after the Japanese Forces. Thereby, the other member countries of the Axis Countries also declared war on the United States. The Second World War is often referred to as a situation where the military strategies of the United States Navy came in full use and achieved tactical advances against the navy of Japan. The Battle in the Pacific region determined the onset of a series of defeats for the Japanese Forces.

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