Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Issue of Masculinity in Short Stories Literature review

The Issue of Masculinity in Short Stories - Literature review Example As the paper outlines,  the issue of masculinity is a major subject in the three short stories. John Berger’s story ways of seeing tries to explain how women and men are viewed and perceived differently by society. During Berger’s time, the way women and men were represented culturally had extensive influence on their mutual perception, self, and conduct. In my view, the way Berger portrays the men and women is a true reflection of how they are viewed in the contemporary society where there is widespread gender discrimination, oppression of women by dominant men and objectification of women. As Berger aptly puts it, "men act – women appear"(72), men are judged by what they do or their action while women are always judged by their appearance. However, in contrast to the common notion that women are mere objects, they can be a source of inspiration as portrayed in â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own† by Flannery O’Connor’s. Lucynell Crate r Offers Tom Shiftlet a chance to attain Grace. He had no friends, had been wandering but in the long run, Lucynell assists him to get a chance to work hard, get a household, live a quiet life and have an opportunity of watching the beautiful sunset. Although O’Connor’s story shows that women can influence men’s life, it is evident that sometimes men do not appreciate the assistance offered as proven by Shiftlet’s opinion on his marriage as he states, "that was just something a woman in an office did, nothing but paperwork and blood tests†(28). Although he had negative views of the marriage presided by a woman, it can be concluded that he was ultimately married legally to Lucynell’s daughter. My analysis of Tall Tales from the Mekong Delta by Kate Braverman show that society views women as people who can be influenced easily by men to engage in immorality. Braverman states, â€Å"The thrill of motorcycle rides and diamonds offered by Lenny h ad a great influence on her substance abuse†.

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